About the Journal

Journal of Medical and Scientific Research (JMSR) (ISSN 2321-1326-Print; ISSN 2394-112X-Online) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed international and indexed (Index Copernicus International, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, ResearchBib, TDNet and J-Gate) journal published quarterly by the KIMS Foundation and Research Centre. The journal encourages submission of manuscripts with relevance to (but not limited to) clinical medicine, basic medicine, physiotherapy, pathology, microbiology, biochemistry, surgical research, public health and epidemiology, and pharmacology. The Journal also contains original research, case reports, letters to the editor, editorials, short communications, news and commentary, and review articles.

No submission, publication fee and article processing charges for the Journal of Medical and Scientific Research.


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